Hawaii Has Been Debating Marijuana Legalization For Half A Century

Lawmakers have been vacillating over how to handle weed consumption in the islands since the late 1960s. By Jessica Terrell   / May 5, 2024  Reading time: 11 minutes.  Share Article  32 State Rep. John Carroll was fed up with Hawaii’s outdated marijuana laws. The Continue reading Hawaii Has Been Debating Marijuana Legalization For Half A Century

Hawaii PD conduct state’s first-ever cannabis impaired driving Green Lab

HAWAII (KHON2) — Hawaii island police conducted the state’s first-ever cannabis impaired driving “Green Lab” to enhance road safety. Download the free KHON2 app for iOS or Android to stay informed on the latest news As the state has been debating whether to legalize Continue reading Hawaii PD conduct state’s first-ever cannabis impaired driving Green Lab

We back fam!

Hey fam! Its a long time, we re-start the entire website, we delete the old one, and have a new phone number, email, and everything brand new to bring the most better attention, The old customers, and a few numbers Continue reading We back fam!